My Gaming Machines

My gaming machines - Then and Now

My first ever machine was PS2 and a GameBoy I used to play games like Simpsons hit and run on the PS2, monsters inc, Spyro. On the GameBoy I used to play games like harry potter and pokemon.

Modern day technology has changed a lot though I now play PC games like PUBG, Gmod and Overwatch. There are a big difference in games then and now such as graphics. Here is a PS2 game compared to a modern day game:

Modern: March 23, 2017
Image result for Pubg Graphics

Old: September 16, 2003
Image result for ps2 simpsons hit and run

As you can see there is a drastic change in graphics over the space of 10-15 years.

I do like both these games though, I like Simpsons hit and run on the PS2 because it reminds me of when I was younger and playing this fun game, However I really do like PUBG because I find it very entertaining and a lot of people play it. The specs of the consoles where completely different PC's today are a lot more advanced and expensive then a old PS2 this is because everything inside the PC like CPU, graphics card and motherboard are all a lot more advanced then a PS2. 
