Computer Game Graphics

Computer Game Graphics

Pixel Art
Pixel Art is a form of Game Graphics it is things like 2D sprites, 3D Isometric Sprites and more. It is created digitally through the use of a software were images are made on the pixel level. The majority of Pixel art is for 8 BIT or 16 bit computers and video game consoles. Even small systems like graphing calculators are done with Pixel Art.
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Concept Art
Concept Art is refereed to as visual development or  concept design, it is a unique idea for art and basically is a illustration to convey a idea for either a game or a film. It is used a lot in planning for a game and is the pictures that adds depth to a game.
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Texture Art
Texture art is essentially the surface quality for example in a 2D game like Mario the quality of the flag at the end is done with Texture Art. It is a element of two dimensional and three dimensional designs and is seen through visual and physical properties.
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Background Graphics
Background Graphics can really set a mood and setting for a game for example in Rocket League you have a normal football pitch but it is set in different locations because of the background setting a image for the player. Backgrounds are very important and create a great atmosphere and imagination for the player.
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This image is a good example because you can see that there islands are not that high up in the sky due to the background. But if the background were to change to cloudy high up in the sky background then the player would think that the islands are really high up in the sky.

In a game a HUD is very important, HUD stands for head up display. A HUD displays everything the player needs to know form there health, xp, level and mana etc. It also is needed for other things like a crafting menu in a game that is all on the HUD and not actually in the game. A HUS is usually 2D but it can be made 3D by say putting it on a watch that the players can look at.
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Print Media
Print Media is basically what it says it is media in the form of posters magezines and is primarily used in gaming to advertise a up coming game or DLC that is buyable for a game. Print Media is used because it can then be seen in other ways then the internet it means it will go to a even wider audience then if it was not advertised through print media.
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