Short Story - PUBG
After war on earth had broke out and the laws got changed. People had to fight in a simulation to survive, each day a group of 100 people were selected at random but this time Jamie Slater was selected out of out of the millions of people on earth. He wished the day had never come, he was never prepared for anything so extreme in his life.
As days passed getting closer and closer to the simulation day Jamie started to understand the realism of what he was about to go through, his life on the line and anything he does wrong could mean disaster for him.
The day had come, he was sitting in the plane with his parachute tightly strapped onto his back waiting for the plane shutter to open. The plane sound rattles around him with multiple people shouting and crying. The time had come the plane shuttle doors open Jamie runs forward with all his speed and leaps out the back of the plane, the wind whistles around him and his cheeks go back to the force of the wind when he reaches 800 ft away from the ground he pulls his parachute on his back.
As he slowly floats down he takes a look around
As he slowly floats down he takes a look around
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